Hello world!

New year = new blog.

I actually started a blog on another site, but haven’t updated or even visited it in over 6 months.  There were some very thought provoking posts relating to my family and homeschool life, which are lost to us forever…because I can’t remember where they are!  I could troll through my e-mail archives and hopefully discover my former blog’s address, but that would be like a bad digital episode of A&E’s “Hoarders”.  Thousands and thousands of unread messages are mixed in with notes from friends, and every newsletter from every museum within 500 miles from the last two years—amongst other spam and whatnot.  All that’s missing is a 4 foot pile of poopy adult diapers in the “trash” and twenty cats pooping all over my inbox.

Besides, my old blog was a total a$$hole.  I’m glad it’s gone.

So, here I am…turning over a new leaf.  I don’t care that it’s because I can’t find my old leaf.  If you were homeschooling two boys like mine you wouldn’t be able to find your leaf either.