Too Cool For School

Today was the first day of the 2010 InHome Conference, our local homeschooling conference in St. Charles, IL.  Jeff took the day off work to chaperone N and E, and the boys enjoyed an Art Extravaganza, Magic Show, live animal “critter corner” and an awesome Physics show.  E had security notified of his presence before we even had a chance to digest our lunch!  I’m sure this doesn’t come as much of a shocker to anyone. Read the rest of this entry »

How Awesome Is It?

We’re homeschoolers with most of our educational eggs in the unschooling basket.  The unschooling philosophy is what works for us, though I resisted for a good year before I realized all of our best days and biggest breakthroughs have been on the days when we relax and follow our bliss.  Tonight, for instance, my four year-old, who we’ll call “E”, wanted to play cards with me.  He was quite disappointed when I opened up a generic alphabet deck.

“Dang it!  I wanted cards with aces and jacks!”

So we proceeded to play around with the cards and he worked very enthusiastically on some great four letter words.  I strongly believe that it’s never too early to work on the four letter words!

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